பதவி வெற்றிடங்கள்

Applications are invited from qualified citizens of Sri Lanka for the undermentioned posts in the service in Middle Income Housing Project, Urban Development Authority.

General Conditions
  1. Initially for a period of one (1) year and to extend upon the successful outcomes of the task.
  2. Age Limit: should be below 45 years. Age limit will not apply to the candidates in Public / Corporation service.
  3. Other benefits: EPF, ETF.
  • Candidates in the State or Corporation sector should send their applications through the respective Heads of the Institutions, with an advance copy direct to UDA.
  • Application giving full details of Educational / Professional Qualifications, Experience etc. with copies of relevant certificates should be forwarded to reach this office within 10 days of this advertisement.
  • State the Designation applied for on the top left-hand corner of the envelope. 

Urban Development Authority,
07th Floor, Sethsiripaya,